Again, this shot would be used to represent the status of a character. A low angle shot, such as this, promotes supierority. The character has power over others, maybe someone to look up to. This angled shot is commanly used with the super hero character or idols.
*this is a trerrible photograph. Photos should not be taken infront of a window.
An angle shot is used to represent the ststus of a character. This high angle shot shows us looking down on the character almost as if they are imperior to us.
Like the name suggests, this has two characters in. It can be used similary to a medium shot and share similar traits. A two shot is often used to establish relationships.
This shot focuses on the character's facial expressions in detail. A shot like this creates a tense and fast paced atmoshere. This can also be used with objects.
A medium close up shot focuses on the characters factial expressions showing us their emotions. The shot shows both the head and shoulders and leaves room for a background which allows us to change our persception of the character. This is often used to introduce a character.
A medium shot shows the character from the waist up allowing you to see clear hand gestures. This shot can also be used to establish relationships between other characters.
The use of a very long shot is to set the scene. Pamaramic views enable you to see the whole of the character and their environment, an establishing shot.
I choose to take up Media Studies as it was completely different to any other subject I had previously taken. Many of my friends have studied Media at G.C.S.E and A-level and really enjoyed it so I thought I would have a shot at it and see what all the fuss was about. I really love films too and maybe by studying this subject I can understand the hard work that goes into creating them.