Monday 3 January 2011

Production Day One

Today was our first shooting session. A little later than planned due to the January snow and travelling to my friend's house over the Christmas break. However despite the complication we believe to of have a very successful shooting day. We have managed to shoot a majority of our film already. All that is left now is the title sequence and our recreation of the photo montage which we will set a date for a little later on. Today Harriet took charge of the camera while I did my best at acting. We really focused on three main aspects to the film; the lighting; the props we used and we tried to add in more mise-en-scene to our sequence. We touched upon the lighting as Harriet had movable spot lights in her room which we used to our advantage. We experimented with the angles of them and decided to have one shining directly towards our actor (me). We thought this would emphasise the importance of the character and the visible enlightenment the audience can see of the situation that she is in. We also focused on the props for additional messages and mise-en-scene. Harriet's room is pink - instant girlie colour, we are of a similar age as the character so we didn't have to do an awful lot to make the age of 'Olivia' known. Things like mobile phones, jewellery, make up, etc.. played part. We also tried to add some stereotypical teenage attitude to the character to emphasise the character's age. One big thing we liked was the panda teddy bear that our character cuddles. This represents the character's innocence. Little things like this, we think, really helps with the mise-en-scene with our opening sequence. We enjoyed our filming day today and thought it went very well hopefully the rest of our production will run just as smoothly.

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