Monday 8 November 2010

Preliminary Task Evaluation

While editing my film and peicing it together I discovered I had made numerous mistakes. One being I broke the 180 degree rule which happened during the filming right at the start. The camera seemed to have moved and instead of filming on my left side it switched to my right. Unfortunately, no matter what I did I couldn't seem to fix it while editing so I had no choice but to delete the begining chunk. I also broke this rule a little later on while filming the conversation. Secondly, I found that a lot of my shots were jumpy and seemed to cut away a bit too sudden. You may also have noticed that at the end of the film the scene changed from the stairs to a part in the hallway. This is because when I played it back I couldn't hear any sound and couldn't find a way on the camera to change it either. So I decided I would simply do an example of a series of over the shoulder shots to show a conversation instead. As well as this, I committed one of the worst crimes in media - filming in front of a window. This is displayed when doing the low angle scene at the bottom of the stairs, however to over come this I changed the brightness setting on the camera. I did try and complete the criteria set but missed out three shot, these were; the high angle shot; the dutch angle and also the exstreme close up shot. If I was to do this task again I think I would take more time in planning my shots and the places I would film to make sure I wouldn't mess up like this time and film in front of a window. Also with careful planning I could make sure I fitted in all the shots I need. I feel a little disappointed with this task as I feel I could have done a lot better but at least now I know what to expect for future tasks and I feel a little more comfortable with using a camera.

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