Wednesday 24 November 2010

Why I Like The Idea of Creating a Drama Sequence

The idea of creating a drama film really excited me as most of the things I watch on television or watch on film are all pretty much drama based. A drama film can take on any of society's issues and use it in ways to relate to their audience. Topical issues such as cancer, adoption, Altheimers, kidnaps, murders, rapes, romance, love and affairs can be use in Drama programmes. For instance popular soap operas, Corrination Street, Eastenders, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks, etc, use these topics to address and almost educate the veiwers of that particular topic, however topics cause contraversy amongst both the producers of the programme and their audience. For example recently their has been a bit of a row with the Soap Opera 'Eastenders' where two of their characters became centred around the issue of cot death. Although there was nothing wrong with the way it was portrayed, the audience didn't think it was a suitable issue to have been raised in the programme, let alone on television. Society's topics are not just featured on television but in some of the most popular of films. For example the film 'The Notebook' deals with the heartbreak of dementia and long lost love. The film 'P.s I love you' deals with the topic of love again but also of death and the grieving process which I'm sure many people can relate to worldwide. Another film is 'My sister's keeper' which adresses the issues of leukemia, in vitro fertilization and organ donation.

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