Wednesday 16 February 2011

Production Day Three

Today we focused on the photo montage which didn't go quite to plan at the start however we managed to sort this problem out. We did a lot of takes of this to enable us to find the right one - one take had to stand out from the rest. However the problem that arose was a problem with lighting as when I dropped the photos in you could see my shadow which we didn't want as it would distract the audience. We also had to be careful when filming to ensure that no part of my hands/fingers were in shot as this would completely ruin the feel of the sequence. We talked to our teacher about this and asked her what we could do to overcome this problem. She suggested we get a lamp to light up underneath the camera to combat this. So that is what we did. We borrowed the lamp from the science department and were impressed with the results. We still had a little shadow but now it was behind the photograghs as they fell into shot. We thought this could had extra mise-en-scene showing that there is a dark secret hidden from our character.

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