Thursday 10 March 2011

Production Day Eight

We met with our teacher today and she went through with us on what we had done so far. She picked up on our problem with our animation and tried to address it in many ways to solve it however nothing really worked as we didn't have the correct software installed on the computers to animate still frames. We managed to work our way around it however, we simply cut down our shots into 1 second parts and we had over 68 frames to do this with. When we played this animation section through it still took ages so we sped up the pace in which the photos appeared on screen cutting the time dramatically. We also roughed a few titles to see what they would look like.

Although this was only a brief encounter today, we were quite impressed with how much work we actually got done. Uunfortunately we were sharing the room with other pupils so we were not able to get our voice over done, this is on the agenda for next time.

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