Wednesday 23 March 2011

Production day Eleven

We tweaked a few things today and thought about the feedback we were given last lesson, we addressed the extreme close up shot of my eyes and thought we would try to re record this shot. This could be done anywhere as we only needed my eyes and luckily my hair hadn't changed much meaning a continuity error wouldn't occur. Although we do have one already in there which we can't really do anything about. Anyway, we were a little worried with re filming the extreme close up shot as the lighting didn't feel the same. In Harriet's bedroom we had one of he spot lights beaming at me in a yellow light, the light we were now in was a lot brighter and whiter, it was more natural looking which we thought would not look great with the rest of our film. And we were proved correct. When we uploaded this clip onto imovie you could instantly tell this shot had been re filmed in a different place so we didn't use this shot, instead we trawled through the clips we didn't need to see if there was any chance we could salvage a shot. We were unsuccessful in this too. We had a rethink and decided to show a cut away here. The eye line of the character showed her looking at the props on the bed, we were able to edit a frame and show this in the place there the smiling eyes once were. We think this looks fantastic now.

We still don't know what happened with the Garageband soundtrack problem as we tried it today and it worked fine with imovie, must have just had a funny five on us. When we played the soundtrack over with the visual sequence a few adjustments were made to match certain beats to the start of the animated titles. There was one beat that we really didn't like and no matter what we did it just made the piece sound worse. We thought we might have been a little too paranoid as we knew it was there. We decided to ask a member of our class to listen as we asked if he picked up on anything that wasn't quite right. He seemed to think it was fine, this was a big relief as it showed us we were just being sensitive to it.

We still haven't done our voice over yet and we can't export our opening sequence until this is done so we are planning to come back after school on thursday to do this. Then we will have completed it, leaving just our evaluation to do.

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