Wednesday 9 March 2011

Production Day Seven

Today we did our title animation. To start with Harriett and I took half the total number of photos each and edited them so that you couldn't see the table that the titles were on. This was a little difficult because the photos were taken seperatly, more table was shown on some than on others and most were taken at an angle so it was difficult to cut the table out without removing some of the paper and clay used to create the titles, a tripod should of been used to combat this problem but the end result looked better than we thought running them through quick. I think this emhansed it greatly. We had to repeat this cutting 34 times each as we went halves on editing the titles. We used a piece of equipment called 'grab' on the computers to cut these photos. When we had finished these we uploaded them on to 'imovie' with the rest of our film. We moved the photos into the timeline at he bottom of the screen but the programme gave each still a five second duration, we didn't want this so we spoke to our teacher about this and asked if there was a way around it. She said to comeback tomorrow after school an she will have a look for us and give us a little help. So that is what we are going to do.

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