Sunday 10 October 2010


Ideology is a mixture of ideas that sum up a person’s actions, goals and ideas of life. For a celebrity the media can be a great way to create an ideology.

Britney Spears has had both positive and negative ideologies. Some positives focus on her talent – her passion for singing and dancing – of which she has huge fans from all over the world. She is a very pretty woman who takes care and pride in her appearance. Many see her as a sexual object. She is often seen with a smile on her face and often sets out to achieve her own goals. However a few years back she received very negative press. She went off the rails when her and her husband split up. She was often seen out with her friends clubbing, smoking and god knows doing what else. She was deemed a bad parent and had her children taken away from her. The press had a field trip with similar stories, some of them true and others not. Over this time she began to gain weight, she had stopped singing and dancing and seemed as if she had totally given up on her appearance. We knew things had taken a turn for the worse when she shaved her head completely bald. Was this was a desperate cry for help made public by the media? Or was this just a big publicity stunt to gain even more attention? I guess we will never truly know what was going through her head at that moment but one thing is for sure and that’s that she is well on the road to recovery. Since then she hasn’t been in the press as much, yet has released a new album, done a few concerts and is starting to look like her old self again. She has had a bumpy ride with the media yet I still think that she is a good role model.

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