Saturday 16 October 2010

Rubicam and Young

Dr. Maslow studied both humans and monkeys and found numerous ways in which they acted similarly. Monkeys, he found, always made sure they weren’t thirsty before looking for shelter, and always ensured they had shelter before they looked for love and companionship. In this way human’s are pretty much identical. No human worried about love before they felt secure and no human sought control before they felt respected by their peers. It was from this that Dr. Maslow came up with his famous Hierarchy of Needs.

Rubicam and Young took his theory and designed a research tool to find out where people stood within it. Their system accepted that people from different countries were influenced by their different cultural backgrounds and removed the effect it had on them. They created the Cross Cultural Consumer Characterisation - (4Cs) which divisive people into seven groups - depending on their core motivation. These are:

1. The explorer - their core need in life is for discovery.

2. The aspirer - their core need in life is for status.

3. The succeeder - their core need in life is for control.

4. The reformer - their core need in life is for enlightenment.

5. The mainstream - their core need in life is for security.

6. The struggler - their core need in life is for escape.

7. The resigned - their core need in life is for survival.

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