Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation part 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

If we take a look at the photo montage it is very similar to 'My Sister's Keeper', showing the character, introducing her to the audience. We can see the characters history. It feels personal and gives the viewers an insight into the life of the character.
The music, we kept this conventional to a drama genre so the audience would know what to expect. It is a delicate piano tune which doesn't over power the piece. It is soft and easy to listen to.
Our voice over or narration tells the audience the story so far so that the film can start in the present and not the past. Again inspiration from many drama films, particularly 'My Sister's Keeper'.
The costume the character is wearing is delberately made to look like plain 'normal' teenage clothing. Typical teenager. We want for the teenage members of the audience to relate to our character, by the costume we hope this will help a connection.
The location of our opening sequence is in a bedroom which is pink and child like, it is our characters little hide away. Teenagers spend time 'locked away' in their rooms. This plays up to the stereotypical views of teenagers.
Our name of our film is unconventional as it is not typical for a drama to contain any animationas it is meant to be a replica of real life. This could be used as a unique selling point, maybe if the film was actually made more animation could play a part throughout. e;g: Olivia's explaining her past, her memories, animation could act as flash backs.
Generally we think our film is similar to other dramas . We took a lot of inspiration from 'My Sister's Keeper'. This helped us think more in the ways of drama directors. Audience members like a sense of similarity/familiaratity with films. We think this fits well with other films like 'Bucket List'
As well as our titles we think the topic of the film is also unique as it is a lesser subject used in drama films. this possibly could be because of unawareness or possibly because it is so true to life, also maybe due to it being a topic surrounded by plenty of raw emotion so needs to be looked at and made in a very delicate manner so as not to offend anyone. This maybe why not many have been made. Possibly the production companies aren't brave enough.

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