Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation part 7

Looking back at your prelim task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from in to the full product?

Looking back at my first preliminary task I believe that I have progressed hugely as shown in the opening sequence of our film. Although I didn't use the camera an awful lot as I was attempting to act in front of it, I really felt like I was more comfortable with the working of it. In the preliminary task I didn't know how to use the camera and learnt from trail and error. In the first preliminary task I did in november last year, I didn't meet the full criteria set. I missed out a few shots and broke the 180 degree rule in which I had to delete a huge chunk at the start when editing to attempt to fix my mistake. I also did this again when doing the conversation part showing shot reverse shot. The camera switched shoulders which looked unnatural to the viewer. Also I learnt how to play with the sound on the cameras which I struggled to get my head around the first time. Also I understand the importance of a tripod when filming, a tripod gives a lot clearer and less shakier shot. Whilst editing my short piece of the preliminary I cut a lot of the shots short which resulted in multiple jump shots which are unnatural to the audience's eye too, it just didn't flow.

A week or so later we were paired up once more and re filmed our task. This time I did a lot better. All the criteria was met, sound was correct, used all the various shot types and when editing I left the shots longer and cut later. I briefly talked about my progress in a short evaluation.

In our film we matched all the citeria we wanted to achieve. Our shot types varied hugely. We used extreme close ups to emphasise emotion as well as close ups which show the characters facial expressions. We used medium shots a lot to make the audience to feel like they are there themselves.

Here are some links to previous posts i have written:

Prelim 1:

Prelim 2:

shot types: - posted in september 2010

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