Saturday 2 April 2011

Evaluation part 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

If I compare the film 'Like Dandelion Dust' released in 2009, it is very similar to the topics we wanted in our film. 'Like Dandelion Dust' is a moving adoption drama which tackles alcoholism, loss, family relationships, physical and substance abuse. It is rated a PG-13

Our character Olivia shares some similar traits to their main character, Joey.

  • They are both children.

  • Both have their hopes and dreams and future pathway mapped out until they discover their adopted and their world's turn upside down.

  • They are both made to feel as if they have to grow up way too fast.

  • They were adopted at a young age and lived postcard childhoods until they hear of the hidden truth.

  • Both also come from working middle class families.

  • Both stories are extremely emotional.

  • Both are represented fairly stereotypically:
- Olivia is wearing relaxed teenage clothes, oversized and baggy. She is wearing little make up and we wanted to represent that typical teen attitude too. (we think we did this in the voice over). - Joey is wearing stereotypical boy clothing, simple top and bottoms in the colour blue. He looks very cute and he is shown to have a wide eyed approach to things.

However there are also differences in these to characters:

  • The obvious one is that they are of different genders.

  • Of different ages, Olivia is a teenager 16, and Joey is still a young child, about 7.

  • Olivia is told she is adopted by her adoptive parents.

  • Joey is not told.

  • Joey is wanted back into his birth parents, they search for him.

  • Olivia searches for her birth mum.

  • Olivia's past and background is unknown to the audience for a while and remains a mystery.

  • Joey's past becomes apparent very early on. he is from a poor background surrounded by alcoholism, physical and substance abuse.

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