Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation part 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of creating this product?
Whilst on this project i have learnt to use various technologies some of which I had never used before, these include:
Apple Macs

Completely different layout and programmes to the standard windows editions, this took a while getting used to as it was so different to anything else.

Cameras - filming

Never used one before. To understand how it works, getting to know the camera and it's limitations I recorded two preliminary tasks before attempting to record our pieces for our pieces for our opening sequence.

- additions to camera; tripod and tape

Camera - photo

This was used in the making of our titles, Harriet took still shots of the play dough in different stages which would ultimately create the animation of our titles.


Apple macs own film making and editing programme, we used this programme frequently and found it relatively easy to use.


Another Apple programme which allowed us to create music which we could upload and have playing alongside our film in imovie. Neither one of us are very good at playing the keyboard but we were able to use a huge mixture of preset tracks, varying in duration, from 15 secs to 30 secs long. This was great as we were able to use these pre recorded tracks to create our two minute soundtrack.


Website used to upload our opening sequence to for people to watch. We set up a Youtube channel especially for this. I used Youtube for a lot of tasks in this project including the research stage.

Facebook & Mobile Phones

Over the course of this project me and Harriet had to keep in close contact to arrange planning dates and to talk about where we think the film should go next and the stages we need to take.


i created an account with this site to show my visual progress and used it as a diary to update the steps i had taken to complete my project. the site allowed me to upload images and short clips and apply links to important posts or other web pages.

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