Friday 1 April 2011

Roles And Responsibilities Throughout Our Project

Whilst doing this project we would like to think that we shared the work equally between us. Throughout the research and planning stages we would analyse a set number of textual analysis’ each and then come together and share our findings. We would talk about all aspects of the opening sequences watched we analysed everything from the mise-en-scene the film makers put in to the sound (diegetic and non-diegetic) which the audience heard and the emotion it added to the sequences. We thought we worked well together and were co-operative with each other, neither one of us leaded which could perhaps be seen as a problem but it seemed to work for us as we shared roles and responsibilities’ to get this project done.

When making our film we only required two people. I took the roll of our character ‘Olivia’ and acted while Harriett did the camera work. We shared the role of director and producer each equally contributing, sharing and airing ideas which could improve our film opening. We found making the film with only the two of us was a little difficult at times and it slowed the process down as neither of us are that decisive so when filming if we thought about re-shooting a particular shot we had to battle with the camera and the props to make sure everything stayed in the exact positions when watching what we had just filmed. This was a little difficult at times but we think we coped well.

Whilst editing we believe that we equally contributed to the film sequence. Whilst Harriett mainly focused on the editing of the film as she knew more about the programme involved than me, I focused on things like the soundtrack for example which would be played over the completed opening sequence. However we weren’t stuck in our roles we would switch multiple times and ask for each others opinions.

Overall I think we worked really well together as a pair to complete this project. We got all the criteria into our sequence and appropriate detail in to our blogs. Harriett was great to work with and i don’t think we could have made our film without her.

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