Monday 6 December 2010

Associated Actors With The Drama Film Genre

Actors and actresses can play role in any genre of film making it difficult to associate a particular person with any particular genre of film however there are a few that almost always feature in topical drama films. Here are a few.

Will Smith - featured in films such as 'The Pursuit of Happyness' and 'I Am Legand'.

Morgan Freeman - featured in the films like 'The Bucket List' along with Jack Nicholson another great drama actor and 'The Shawshank Redemtion'.

Tom Hanks - featured in films such as 'The Green Mile' and 'Forrest Gump'.

Sandra Bullock - featured in films like 'The Blind Side' and '28 Days'.

Cameron Diaz - featured in films such as 'My Sister's Keeper' and 'In Her Shoes'.

Julia Roberts - featured in films like 'Fireflies In The Garden' and 'Closer'.

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