Wednesday 29 December 2010

Planning Our Production - Props For Filming

This necklace was a thought we had, maybe the mother left this too her daughter as a gift from her to Olivia. It is suppose to be a locket where her mum's picture could be showing that Olivia has got part of her mum with her when she wears it. Unfortunately, we didn't use this in the end as we completely forgot about it.

This photo is of a dad and his daughter. We used ths photo as it doesn't show a mum so gives a sense of mystery to the film and keeps the audience in suspense, who actualy is Olivia's mum? What does she look like?

This represents Olivia's documents and letters left to her from her mum. She reads through these at the start of the sequence.
This is Olivia's teddy bear, this is meant to show Olivia's innocence to the audience, showing she is still a child to the world. She cuddles this bear in the film and it almost seems to comfort her after hearing the news that she is adopted.

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