Wednesday 22 December 2010

Choosing A Name For Our Film

We wanted our film to feel personal so we thought about naming it after our main character, the audience watches and follows her on her journey to discover her birth mum. We couldn't think of a suitable name for our character to begin with so we did a bit of research on the internet for baby names. We searched popular female names and a fair few stood out to us. We deciced to pick a popular name as this would mean it is a comman choice amongst mums to be. A comman name like 'Olivia' seemed to work well and we both quite liked it. By choising a popular name and giving her an almost steriotypical attutide of a teenage girl we think that many people could relate to our character and understand what she is going through. We want to make the audience feel as if they are almost going through the same emotions of the character. The issue of adoption is a tender one which is prevelant in the entire world. We understand this and as it is such a touching subject we hope to portray our film in the best light possible without offending anyone. In our film we want to show the drama behind the issue of adoption.

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