Wednesday 29 December 2010

Planning Our Production - Possible Bedroom Locations

Our potential locations for filming:

We want a bedroom setting for the shots for the opening. We decided we want a bedroom for the setting as teenagers stereotypically spend a lot of time "locked" away in their bedrooms. We also want a house which is in the countryside so when we have the shot of the character looking out the window, there is a distance between her and the outside world. This will signify the distance she feels since she found out she was adopted.

Some potential bedrooms:

This first room was a potential location as it is a teenage girls bedroom. Also it is in a countryside location which is distant from other houses. However we decided to not go for this room as it has a mature feel and we want to display our girl as rather immature and naive.

The final room we consiered had the younger feel however it would still be appropriate for a 16 year old girl. It also gave us a distant view out of the window. However we did find the room did not give us a huge amount of space so we may struggle when trying to shoot our film.

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