Tuesday 28 December 2010

Chosing our actress

For the opening of our film sequence we only need one single actor, this actor would play the role of the main character, ‘Olivia’. We thought about different people who could play the role. We did a mini interview/audition for each of the possible actresses to see what they could offer us an to see when they would be available for filming. We did this for six girls and shortlisted two of them.

1) Billie:


Available for the dates we needed her and had good acting skills.


Looks a little too young for the character’s age and lacks a little experience.

2) Rhiannon:


Is of a suitable age, has alright skills and understands what is needed in portraying the character.


Restricted for dates and times and is needed to do other jobs on the filming days.

Finally we decided to go ahead and use Rhiannon because she looks a suitable age for our character also she has more acting experience however we may struggle to complete all of the jobs required when filming. Overall we believe we have made the best choice and that we will have to work a little harder to ensure the extra work is done.

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