Monday 20 December 2010

Initial Ideas For Our Film

Making an opening sequence for a drama film meant we had plenty of freedom in choosing what to do. Drama consists of many sub genres and keeping this in mind and reviewing our questionnaire results we narrowed it down a little. The majority of people who filled out our questionnaire were female and ranged greatly in age. Our target audience is from about the age of 15-30. This would mean that more 'manly' types of drama wouldn't entertain the majority of the questioned people so that's war dramas and action dramas out of the picture. Age is another aspect to consider. The number one subject that came up was biography dramas, this seemed a little strange but it is obviously in demand which we could tailor to, the runner up was tragedy. We thought we could just stick with the typical girly love film as this was another high rated topic. We thought about this for a while and desided to combine a few aspects, we liked the idea of creating a true story, but thought that it could be seen as a little harsh and send out the wrong message if we didn't get the facts right or filmed it terribly. To avoid this agro and we ruled this out so as not to risk offending or upsetting anyone. We didn't really fancy a romance sequence either because they are just far too common and predictable. We decided we would need something that was true to life, something that can make or break someone. We thought long and hard about possible story lines, we wanted to create an emotional film and something which the audience could connect to. We thought about involving a death or loss of a character, maybe another character's idol which would have a impact on them and other characters in the film. We wondered what else we could do and thought about how soap operas use drama to educate others on subjects like death, mental illness, drugs, etc. This is where we came up with the idea of creating a film about adoption, this is a matter that isn't talked about to much and this would bring awareness to viewers. This subject of adoption is a sensitive matter. We think however this ticks all the right boxes for the type of sequence we would like to create. Adoption is true, a real story, it's surrounded naturally by drama, mystery, pain and heart ache, it deals with loss and is wrapped up with emotions everywhere.

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