Sunday 3 April 2011

Evaluation part 7

Looking back at your prelim task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from in to the full product?

Looking back at my first preliminary task I believe that I have progressed hugely as shown in the opening sequence of our film. Although I didn't use the camera an awful lot as I was attempting to act in front of it, I really felt like I was more comfortable with the working of it. In the preliminary task I didn't know how to use the camera and learnt from trail and error. In the first preliminary task I did in november last year, I didn't meet the full criteria set. I missed out a few shots and broke the 180 degree rule in which I had to delete a huge chunk at the start when editing to attempt to fix my mistake. I also did this again when doing the conversation part showing shot reverse shot. The camera switched shoulders which looked unnatural to the viewer. Also I learnt how to play with the sound on the cameras which I struggled to get my head around the first time. Also I understand the importance of a tripod when filming, a tripod gives a lot clearer and less shakier shot. Whilst editing my short piece of the preliminary I cut a lot of the shots short which resulted in multiple jump shots which are unnatural to the audience's eye too, it just didn't flow.

A week or so later we were paired up once more and re filmed our task. This time I did a lot better. All the criteria was met, sound was correct, used all the various shot types and when editing I left the shots longer and cut later. I briefly talked about my progress in a short evaluation.

In our film we matched all the citeria we wanted to achieve. Our shot types varied hugely. We used extreme close ups to emphasise emotion as well as close ups which show the characters facial expressions. We used medium shots a lot to make the audience to feel like they are there themselves.

Here are some links to previous posts i have written:

Prelim 1:

Prelim 2:

shot types: - posted in september 2010

Evaluation part 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of creating this product?
Whilst on this project i have learnt to use various technologies some of which I had never used before, these include:
Apple Macs

Completely different layout and programmes to the standard windows editions, this took a while getting used to as it was so different to anything else.

Cameras - filming

Never used one before. To understand how it works, getting to know the camera and it's limitations I recorded two preliminary tasks before attempting to record our pieces for our pieces for our opening sequence.

- additions to camera; tripod and tape

Camera - photo

This was used in the making of our titles, Harriet took still shots of the play dough in different stages which would ultimately create the animation of our titles.


Apple macs own film making and editing programme, we used this programme frequently and found it relatively easy to use.


Another Apple programme which allowed us to create music which we could upload and have playing alongside our film in imovie. Neither one of us are very good at playing the keyboard but we were able to use a huge mixture of preset tracks, varying in duration, from 15 secs to 30 secs long. This was great as we were able to use these pre recorded tracks to create our two minute soundtrack.


Website used to upload our opening sequence to for people to watch. We set up a Youtube channel especially for this. I used Youtube for a lot of tasks in this project including the research stage.

Facebook & Mobile Phones

Over the course of this project me and Harriet had to keep in close contact to arrange planning dates and to talk about where we think the film should go next and the stages we need to take.


i created an account with this site to show my visual progress and used it as a diary to update the steps i had taken to complete my project. the site allowed me to upload images and short clips and apply links to important posts or other web pages.

Evaluation part 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

If we take a look at the photo montage it is very similar to 'My Sister's Keeper', showing the character, introducing her to the audience. We can see the characters history. It feels personal and gives the viewers an insight into the life of the character.
The music, we kept this conventional to a drama genre so the audience would know what to expect. It is a delicate piano tune which doesn't over power the piece. It is soft and easy to listen to.
Our voice over or narration tells the audience the story so far so that the film can start in the present and not the past. Again inspiration from many drama films, particularly 'My Sister's Keeper'.
The costume the character is wearing is delberately made to look like plain 'normal' teenage clothing. Typical teenager. We want for the teenage members of the audience to relate to our character, by the costume we hope this will help a connection.
The location of our opening sequence is in a bedroom which is pink and child like, it is our characters little hide away. Teenagers spend time 'locked away' in their rooms. This plays up to the stereotypical views of teenagers.
Our name of our film is unconventional as it is not typical for a drama to contain any animationas it is meant to be a replica of real life. This could be used as a unique selling point, maybe if the film was actually made more animation could play a part throughout. e;g: Olivia's explaining her past, her memories, animation could act as flash backs.
Generally we think our film is similar to other dramas . We took a lot of inspiration from 'My Sister's Keeper'. This helped us think more in the ways of drama directors. Audience members like a sense of similarity/familiaratity with films. We think this fits well with other films like 'Bucket List'
As well as our titles we think the topic of the film is also unique as it is a lesser subject used in drama films. this possibly could be because of unawareness or possibly because it is so true to life, also maybe due to it being a topic surrounded by plenty of raw emotion so needs to be looked at and made in a very delicate manner so as not to offend anyone. This maybe why not many have been made. Possibly the production companies aren't brave enough.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Evaluation part 4

Who would be the target audience for your media project?

I have again touched upon this in a few earlier posts,

(links provided at the end of the post).

This would be some members of our target audience.

We believe this would be a good representation of our target audience. We wanted our film to feel true to life so we tried to aim it at the typical modern day family, the women in particular as we want our film to be a real emotional tear jerker. We want for them to relate to the feelings of the character and hopefully the film will play on some of their own life experiences.

Here's a link to a previous post on the matter of our target audience using a few theories I have learnt about and also about our films certificate:

Evaluation part 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

First we need to think what actually is it that a production company does. With a little research I understand a production company is involved in funding, helping to facilitate the making of and also distribution of the film itself. Often the company provides the money thus setting the budget and they can also make decisions on which directors and actors can be hired. A distributor is a name given to companies who own a film and then sells it to cinemas and shops all over the country.

I have already touched upon this in a previous post. We took a lot of inspiration from the film 'My Sister's Keeper' and thought we would look into their film distributors ' entertainment ...' which we found to be part of an independent company called 'New Line Cinemas'. however in 2010 this distribution company was taken over by the huge film producers "Warner's Brothers thus meaning our film would be produced and distributed by them. in the past 'new line cinemas' had helped with the production of many films similar to our genre - drama, and also provide a large budget so that the film is of a better quality for the audience.

To see this previous post here's a link:

Evaluation part 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

If I compare the film 'Like Dandelion Dust' released in 2009, it is very similar to the topics we wanted in our film. 'Like Dandelion Dust' is a moving adoption drama which tackles alcoholism, loss, family relationships, physical and substance abuse. It is rated a PG-13

Our character Olivia shares some similar traits to their main character, Joey.

  • They are both children.

  • Both have their hopes and dreams and future pathway mapped out until they discover their adopted and their world's turn upside down.

  • They are both made to feel as if they have to grow up way too fast.

  • They were adopted at a young age and lived postcard childhoods until they hear of the hidden truth.

  • Both also come from working middle class families.

  • Both stories are extremely emotional.

  • Both are represented fairly stereotypically:
- Olivia is wearing relaxed teenage clothes, oversized and baggy. She is wearing little make up and we wanted to represent that typical teen attitude too. (we think we did this in the voice over). - Joey is wearing stereotypical boy clothing, simple top and bottoms in the colour blue. He looks very cute and he is shown to have a wide eyed approach to things.

However there are also differences in these to characters:

  • The obvious one is that they are of different genders.

  • Of different ages, Olivia is a teenager 16, and Joey is still a young child, about 7.

  • Olivia is told she is adopted by her adoptive parents.

  • Joey is not told.

  • Joey is wanted back into his birth parents, they search for him.

  • Olivia searches for her birth mum.

  • Olivia's past and background is unknown to the audience for a while and remains a mystery.

  • Joey's past becomes apparent very early on. he is from a poor background surrounded by alcoholism, physical and substance abuse.

Evaluation part 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The first thing you see watching our opening sequence is the photo montage. This has been slowed down so the audience focuses on the photo coming in to shot. We were inspired my the drama film 'My Sister's Keeper' at the start of the film we see many photographs depicting a child who gradually gets older in them. This montage shows the audience the key points in the character's life and makes it feel more personal to the viewer as they are allowed to have an insight into the families photo album. The use of this montage is also to get the audience up to date with the story so far while introducing what we think to be the main character at the same time. This is what Harriet and I tried to emulate. We used a series of photographs from my childhood to recreate this. We also decided that we wanted the titles to not be a prominent feature which distracts the audience's eye, we want the main focus to be the photographs falling into shot. we think we achieved this by making the titles white and in a small skinny font.

We then see the animation of our name OLIVIA. It grows to form a flowers. This is suppose to represent Olivia as a person from tiny baby beginnings and fastly maturing into a young woman. This fastley edited piece shows how fast Olivia had to grow up when she heard the news of her adoption. as you can imagine this was a lengthy part of our work to complete the film however i think it really works well. It is indeed unconventional for a drama film to include a piece of animation. We made our film stand out from any other of this genre.

Next we see our character Olivia in person. First we only see an extreme close up of her eyes which does seem a tad sudden but this catches the attention of the audience. There is a little sense of mystery about this character as we only see her eyes. Eyes are said to be the window of our souls. Taking Olivia's eyes in this shot into account we can see clearly she has tears in her eyes this emphasises her emotion to the audience. We know they are tears of sadness by the narration of the character. The audience are instantly on her side and feel sorry for her.

When we see a full body shot of the character we see is is dressed rather stereotypically of a teenager. Loose fitting jumper, red in colour signifying danger and passion which she will encounter on her journey to find her birth mum. She is also wearing plain leggings which are the current fashion for women. Teenagers are always up to date with the latest phases and this shows it. The audience may recognise this and believe her to be as equal as them simply by the clothes she is wearing. Our aim is to make this as true to life as possible, the costume helps with this.

Olivia is sat on her bed. Instantly recognisable as a young girl's bedroom as it is bright pink. Her room is small reflecting how she feels upon receiving the news. We took a lot of time thinking about the setting of the film and the location. We were originally going to have an establishing long shot of a house and gradually get closer. e;g, we would see the whole house, then a window, then a frame of a window where the audience would look in at the characters with a sense of voyeurism. We were going to watch as the news of the adoption was broke to Olivia. A series of close ups and extreme close ups would have been due to create a sense of tension. No speaking in this bit just the non diagetic sound track acting as a sound bridge linking shot to shot smoothly. This was going to unfold in the living room however we changed our minds and decided to go from her just having received the news. Escaping by locking herself up in her bedroom. As this was to be the new start we though the audience would expect to see quite a childish room then later as she matures so would her room.

We see numerous props sprawled out on her bed. These are supposed to represent Olivia's documents and letter her birth mum had written for her. We even included a photo in this. We thought this would be a good idea as it almost puts he life out in front of her, in perspective. The use of the photo was great as it depicted father and daughter not mother. This only further frustrates the character as she doesn't even know what see looks like. The photo frame is also babyish emphasising the point that Olivia was young, well and still is. A little later on we see Olivia hold a teddy bear and cuddle it, squeezing it tight. It almost looks like Olivia is holding it like a baby, rocking back and forth. This is meant to suggest her innocence and enhancing the fact she is still a child.

In the last shot you see a pull focus on a tree in the distance as Olivia is looking out her window. This shows her looking in the distance. This is then followed by a fade out transitions. The editing of this piece has a mixture of paces. The titles are slow and long, the animation is a complete contrast being extremely fast and finally the acting I think is quite averagely paced. This keeps the audience watching as it is such an assortment of of pace.

We tried to use as many shot types as possible to keep it interesting. We start with an extreme close up on the eyes, long shot, over the shoulder shot, a series of close ups of varying lengths. We think we have done this well in keeping the audience's attention.

So have we represented the drama genre well? I believe we have and stuck well to the genres conventions. We have the emotional single piano playing throughout the piece which is common in dramas and adds extras emotion to the visuals. We have also used a narration, the character is directly telling the audience about her life, this makes the audience feel they have a personal connection with the character. Also the story often begins at a different part of the film, e;g: in the middle or end and the story is narrated by the character getting the audience up to date. We haven't included any special effects as this would look unreal to the viewers as we are trying to stress the point it is a real story, true to life. We focused on the emotional story line we wanted to show.

Friday 1 April 2011

Roles And Responsibilities Throughout Our Project

Whilst doing this project we would like to think that we shared the work equally between us. Throughout the research and planning stages we would analyse a set number of textual analysis’ each and then come together and share our findings. We would talk about all aspects of the opening sequences watched we analysed everything from the mise-en-scene the film makers put in to the sound (diegetic and non-diegetic) which the audience heard and the emotion it added to the sequences. We thought we worked well together and were co-operative with each other, neither one of us leaded which could perhaps be seen as a problem but it seemed to work for us as we shared roles and responsibilities’ to get this project done.

When making our film we only required two people. I took the roll of our character ‘Olivia’ and acted while Harriett did the camera work. We shared the role of director and producer each equally contributing, sharing and airing ideas which could improve our film opening. We found making the film with only the two of us was a little difficult at times and it slowed the process down as neither of us are that decisive so when filming if we thought about re-shooting a particular shot we had to battle with the camera and the props to make sure everything stayed in the exact positions when watching what we had just filmed. This was a little difficult at times but we think we coped well.

Whilst editing we believe that we equally contributed to the film sequence. Whilst Harriett mainly focused on the editing of the film as she knew more about the programme involved than me, I focused on things like the soundtrack for example which would be played over the completed opening sequence. However we weren’t stuck in our roles we would switch multiple times and ask for each others opinions.

Overall I think we worked really well together as a pair to complete this project. We got all the criteria into our sequence and appropriate detail in to our blogs. Harriett was great to work with and i don’t think we could have made our film without her.

Our Final Opening Sequence

Thursday 31 March 2011

Production Day Twelve

Today we were able to record our voice over that we vitally needed. Luckilly there was only a few music students in the apple mac room and they had their earphones on, giving us the quiet area we needed to record. It took a few takes but we managed to do it in record time and with no editing it fitted perfectly with the pace of the visuals. We played the entire sequnce together now and it really worked well, the voice over was the icing on the cake that pulled everything together. We quickly put in the names of the actors and actresses in. We thought about whether we should have big names like Cameron Diaz in but thought would this really match up with the production company and their budget. For this reason we made the names up. Although this didn't go as smooth as it could have done. The programme decided it would over lap the names, this wasn't very helpful and we couldn't understand why it did this. We looked on the internet to trouble shoot htis problem and it gave us the solution. Everything was done now, all that was left to do was just to export our opening sequence and upload it on to our Youtube. Done.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Production day Eleven

We tweaked a few things today and thought about the feedback we were given last lesson, we addressed the extreme close up shot of my eyes and thought we would try to re record this shot. This could be done anywhere as we only needed my eyes and luckily my hair hadn't changed much meaning a continuity error wouldn't occur. Although we do have one already in there which we can't really do anything about. Anyway, we were a little worried with re filming the extreme close up shot as the lighting didn't feel the same. In Harriet's bedroom we had one of he spot lights beaming at me in a yellow light, the light we were now in was a lot brighter and whiter, it was more natural looking which we thought would not look great with the rest of our film. And we were proved correct. When we uploaded this clip onto imovie you could instantly tell this shot had been re filmed in a different place so we didn't use this shot, instead we trawled through the clips we didn't need to see if there was any chance we could salvage a shot. We were unsuccessful in this too. We had a rethink and decided to show a cut away here. The eye line of the character showed her looking at the props on the bed, we were able to edit a frame and show this in the place there the smiling eyes once were. We think this looks fantastic now.

We still don't know what happened with the Garageband soundtrack problem as we tried it today and it worked fine with imovie, must have just had a funny five on us. When we played the soundtrack over with the visual sequence a few adjustments were made to match certain beats to the start of the animated titles. There was one beat that we really didn't like and no matter what we did it just made the piece sound worse. We thought we might have been a little too paranoid as we knew it was there. We decided to ask a member of our class to listen as we asked if he picked up on anything that wasn't quite right. He seemed to think it was fine, this was a big relief as it showed us we were just being sensitive to it.

We still haven't done our voice over yet and we can't export our opening sequence until this is done so we are planning to come back after school on thursday to do this. Then we will have completed it, leaving just our evaluation to do.

Monday 21 March 2011

Feedback of Our Rough Cut

Today we showed our opening sequence to our class. We ran into yet again another problem, for some reason our soundtrack wouldn't load onto imovie, this made things difficult. We couldn't exactly start playing the film then play our music on a different programme as it wouldn't flow well, so we just played the class our sequence without sound. They really seemed to like it although our critisms was this soundtrack problem. Our class also thought that on the exstreme close up of my eyes I looked as if I was smiling. We took this onboard and could understand why they said this. Next time we will sort out this shot and investigate the Garageband situation.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Production Day Ten

This is the final lesson we have to really get things done as next lesson we are showing our rough cuts to the class to show them our progress and ask for their opinions on where we can improve before submission in a week or so time. Today we finished our soundtrack and it sounded brilliant. It really made our film come together. We are a tad worried about our timing, as we still haven't recorded our voive over yet as there just doesn't seem to be any time due to problems like the computer being slow, the room not always being free, and each other's spare time with lessons and work comitments after school. However we hope everything will come together completely very soon.

Monday 14 March 2011

Production Day Nine

Today we focused greatly on our soundtrack. as we have got our visual opening sequence pretty much done we thought it was best to re assess our non-diagetic music. when we had played with our track before it sounded rather good as you could tell the genre it was supposed to be emulating however when it ran on top of the visuals it just didn't work at all so we completely started again. we listened to the pre recorded tracks and did our best at putting them into sequence. we kept with the theme of the single piano to keep our piece sounding convential of the drama genre. we did not quite finish this today but will do in our next lesson.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Production Day Eight

We met with our teacher today and she went through with us on what we had done so far. She picked up on our problem with our animation and tried to address it in many ways to solve it however nothing really worked as we didn't have the correct software installed on the computers to animate still frames. We managed to work our way around it however, we simply cut down our shots into 1 second parts and we had over 68 frames to do this with. When we played this animation section through it still took ages so we sped up the pace in which the photos appeared on screen cutting the time dramatically. We also roughed a few titles to see what they would look like.

Although this was only a brief encounter today, we were quite impressed with how much work we actually got done. Uunfortunately we were sharing the room with other pupils so we were not able to get our voice over done, this is on the agenda for next time.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Production Day Seven

Today we did our title animation. To start with Harriett and I took half the total number of photos each and edited them so that you couldn't see the table that the titles were on. This was a little difficult because the photos were taken seperatly, more table was shown on some than on others and most were taken at an angle so it was difficult to cut the table out without removing some of the paper and clay used to create the titles, a tripod should of been used to combat this problem but the end result looked better than we thought running them through quick. I think this emhansed it greatly. We had to repeat this cutting 34 times each as we went halves on editing the titles. We used a piece of equipment called 'grab' on the computers to cut these photos. When we had finished these we uploaded them on to 'imovie' with the rest of our film. We moved the photos into the timeline at he bottom of the screen but the programme gave each still a five second duration, we didn't want this so we spoke to our teacher about this and asked if there was a way around it. She said to comeback tomorrow after school an she will have a look for us and give us a little help. So that is what we are going to do.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Production Day Six

In lesson time we focused on editing the main two chunks of our film, this was finishing the photo montage and editing the acting part. We had to cut down the length of the photo montage as we wanted the photos to drop in, in slow motion. We applied a slow motion piece to this sequence and it really looked good. At this point it would take almost one minute thirty to play through which was far too long seeing as our whole opening sequence is allowed to be two minutes long. We cut out the lengthy part between each photo falling and re-assessed the speed of them falling, combined this sequence was reduced dramatically. Then we focused on the editing of the second chunk of our sequence, the acting. This wasn't too hard and it didn't take too long either. When trying to edit the eyes we had to find a suitable bit that was long enough as my eyes kept moving about as I tried to fill them with tears. We were very impressed with a transition made by Harriett editing two shots together, Olivia's hand as she picks up a piece of paper to read.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Production Day Five

Harriet did this shoot by herself as we did not feel that both of us were needed. It allowed me time to check that we had all of our written work done and that our blogs were up to date. In this shoot Harret used a digital camera to take still pictures of our title display, we intended to have some flowers growing around the film's name 'Olivia'. To create the feel that flowers are growing Harriet took still shots each time more of the flower would show. This was possibly one of the most challenging and time consuming shoots. Harriet added that she isn't overly artistic and it took a few attempts to get it right. I think looking at the photos that she did great and I can't wait to see it once animated.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Production Day Four

Today in leson time we uploaded our fim into a programme called 'imovie'. We made a start on editing our photo montage sequence. We didn't really do an awful lot as we only had limited time. We played it through numerous times to make sure everything we had filmed was on the computer and to check we didn't need to re-film any parts as we breifly edited it, which have didn't need to do.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Our Script - Olivia

To begin with we were not going to have much dialog just have our soundtrack playing over over scenes while the prodution team names came into the shots. However we have now changed our minds after recieving our feedback from some of our audience members. Also we have noticed that during the opening of most of the drama films we have analysised there is a single character explaining what is going on, e.g: The Bucket List, My Sister's Keeper and The Blind Side.

Here is what we plan to voice over as our film begins.

"It's November 27th, the day after my 16th birthday. I received the worst present anyone could get. (PAUSE). I found out that I was adopted. See this letter here it's from my mum, my birth mum. All she keeps saying is how sorry she is and how it was never her choice to give me up. All my life they have been lying to me, never telling me the truth. How. Just how could they keep this from me. My parents, wait. I guess my adopted parents keep telling me I wasn't ready before but they think I'm ready now, how can I be ready now. I may be 16 but I'm still a child, I'm too young for this, this heart break. How would they have felt at my age? I guess it's not their fault they were just trying to protect me. But she's out there somewhere, my mum. My birth mum."

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Production Day Three

Today we focused on the photo montage which didn't go quite to plan at the start however we managed to sort this problem out. We did a lot of takes of this to enable us to find the right one - one take had to stand out from the rest. However the problem that arose was a problem with lighting as when I dropped the photos in you could see my shadow which we didn't want as it would distract the audience. We also had to be careful when filming to ensure that no part of my hands/fingers were in shot as this would completely ruin the feel of the sequence. We talked to our teacher about this and asked her what we could do to overcome this problem. She suggested we get a lamp to light up underneath the camera to combat this. So that is what we did. We borrowed the lamp from the science department and were impressed with the results. We still had a little shadow but now it was behind the photograghs as they fell into shot. We thought this could had extra mise-en-scene showing that there is a dark secret hidden from our character.

Monday 7 February 2011

Our Feedback of Our Progress - Olivia

We presented our treatment to our class to see what they thought of our storyline and to ask for their opinions and comments on our chosen theme, adoption. We were both very hesitant to begin with as we did not know what to expect and how our class would react to our idea however we received a great response and they really seemed to like it. This was a great relief. One thing they did mention though was that we had little dialog so we would have to make sure the storyline was very clear by the props we decide to use to help the audience understand what is going on.

Our Progress Presentation To The Class


This here is the link to our presentation to the class about are production of the project. We gave the class our feedback on how things had gone so far for us. We explained how we had used our textual analysis' of several films to help reflect the genre of our sequence, this acted as our inspiration, we also read out our blurb, talked about our target audience, why we have given it the certificate of 15 and also about our production day and how smoothly things went for us.

Hope you enjoy watching this - sorry about our bristolian accents.

Monday 3 January 2011

Production Day One

Today was our first shooting session. A little later than planned due to the January snow and travelling to my friend's house over the Christmas break. However despite the complication we believe to of have a very successful shooting day. We have managed to shoot a majority of our film already. All that is left now is the title sequence and our recreation of the photo montage which we will set a date for a little later on. Today Harriet took charge of the camera while I did my best at acting. We really focused on three main aspects to the film; the lighting; the props we used and we tried to add in more mise-en-scene to our sequence. We touched upon the lighting as Harriet had movable spot lights in her room which we used to our advantage. We experimented with the angles of them and decided to have one shining directly towards our actor (me). We thought this would emphasise the importance of the character and the visible enlightenment the audience can see of the situation that she is in. We also focused on the props for additional messages and mise-en-scene. Harriet's room is pink - instant girlie colour, we are of a similar age as the character so we didn't have to do an awful lot to make the age of 'Olivia' known. Things like mobile phones, jewellery, make up, etc.. played part. We also tried to add some stereotypical teenage attitude to the character to emphasise the character's age. One big thing we liked was the panda teddy bear that our character cuddles. This represents the character's innocence. Little things like this, we think, really helps with the mise-en-scene with our opening sequence. We enjoyed our filming day today and thought it went very well hopefully the rest of our production will run just as smoothly.